CIROC is an international centre for information and research on organised crime and the fight against it.

The centre was founded in 2001 by the departments of criminology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), VU Amsterdam (VU), Maastricht University (UM), Utrecht University (UU), and the WODC, the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.

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CIROC focuses on knowledge transfer from theory to practice and vice versa, and the disclosure of information about organised crime and the fight against it for Dutch audiences. This takes shape through seminars organised three or four times a year in Rotterdam on a topical issue in the field of organised crime. The themes are introduced by speakers from the Netherlands and abroad.

The aim is to make the subject accessible for different groups (scientists and scientific institutions, central government, public prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, the judiciary and relevant free-professional groups) and to initiate a discussion. In the archives of the seminars you can find an overview of the programs and the presentations (mostly in Dutch).

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CIROC publishes annually on organised crime and the fight against it in both the Dutch and the English-language Newsletter.

It includes information from own research or research from other institutions, usually linked to the theme of a seminar. The aim is to make this information accessible for different groups.

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The board members are employed at the Criminology sections of the universities involved in CIROC (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Maastricht University, Utrecht University, VU Amsterdam), and at WODC, the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.

On the profile pages of the board members, you will find detailed information about their expertise, research interests and publications.

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