ATTENTION: due to a change in circumstances the program of Cheap and Fake has been adapted. Same date, but adapted timeset, location and price.


The Centre for Information and Research on Organised Crime (CIROC)

organises a seminar about:


Cheap and fake


Thursday 13 December 2018, 

Faculty of Law Utrecht University, Newtonlaan 201, 3584 BH Utrecht, room 4A24/30


In the Netherlands we are increasingly confronted, either as policy makers, law enforcement officials or final consumers, with a wide range of counterfeit products that constitute illegal (black) markets, either at import, distribution or retail levels. From Nike shoes to Gucci glasses, from Marlboro cigarettes to Viagra pills, or from Ajax T-shirts to souvenirs or even artistic objects, these products share some common features: they are all cheap and fake, are not taxed, are usually produced in exploitative conditions, and are often smuggled or traded by informal or illegal networks. This CIROC-seminar will first focus on the nature of some of these counterfeit markets, either in the Netherlands or abroad. Who are the actors involved, and what is the modus operandi of their trade? Presenters will deal with the markets of counterfeit alcohol, lifestyle medicines, cigarettes and textiles by street vendors. The seminar will subsequently discuss problems and challenges faced by different agencies dealing with these issues, like municipalities, custom authorities and police agencies like Europol.